School : General Information & Academic Administration

All About CvSU Science High School

A.      A. School Profile

        Since one of the courses offered in the university is Education, the campus is allowed to maintain a laboratory school under CHED Memorandum No. 52, series of 2007, section 6, which will provide a venue for pre-service teachers to undertake their field study. Thus, the existing high school department established in early 70’s became the Laboratory Science High School with its selection, retention and manual of operation of the LSHS is patterned after the Science High School unit of CvSU main Campus.

        CvSU – CCAT campus constructed a two-storey building with four rooms, one for each grade level: Grade 7 and Grade 8 on the lower floor; and Grade 9 and Grade 10 on the upper floor. Each room caters a grade level with not more than 40 students. Moreover, the department coordinates with the Department of Arts and Sciences for laboratory use. A side from being a site of learning for future educators, Laboratory Science High School is also established to provide quality education to Junior High students by offering advanced subjects especially in Science, Math and Research through quality instruction, relevant research and development activities

a.       Location
        Cavite State University Main Campus, Indang, 4122 Cavite

b.      Vision
      The premier science laboratory high school recognized for producing outstanding and knowledgeable youth with moral uprightness ready for global competitiveness.

c.       Mision
        The CvSU – CCAT Laboratory Science High School shall provide excellent, equitable, and relevant educational opportunities through quality instructions and responsive research.
        It shall produce knowledgeable and outstanding students with moral uprightness for global competitiveness

 B. Academic Support System

        LSHS - Junior High School has many buildings ranging from class VII to class XII. There are bathrooms, canteen, teacher's room, LIS, laboratory, library, computer lab and gazebo. In the classroom, they have long whiteboards, TV monitors, fans, air conditioners so that students are more comfortable during the learning process. In the library there are various kinds of textbooks and scientific posters created by students. Between class 8 and the LIS room there is a soaring into a new year board containing fingerprints from students and visitors who visit.
        In the classroom, students must wear footwear to keep the classroom clean. Before starting learning, students collect their cellphones in a place next to the teacher's desk. They also brought provisions from home and drinking water bottles because the school maintains a plastic-free environment. Even if they buy snacks that contain plastic waste, they still have to take the waste home and are not allowed to litter.

 C. Teaching System

Learning Process in the Classroom

                The teaching system at JHS-LSHS uses the student center learning method which focuses on student activity in the classroom. The teachers use the K12 curriculum. The learning process only takes place 4 days a week with the duration starting from 07:30 am to 06:10 pm. Friday through Sunday are holidays. This school uses a full day school system. At the end of the meeting the teacher always gives students free time to clean the classroom before going home. When teachers give additional assignments, students do not complete them at home but at the next meeting. The student's task is only to prepare whatever materials are needed to complete the assignment. However, some tasks can also be done at home.

D. Materials and Other Learning Sources

        Materials for learning resources are more or less adequate. There is a laboratory, a library with many book reference sources, a TV equipped with an HDMI cable and remote control, long whiteboards on the right and left sides. Each student has a student handbook, making it easier for the teacher to explain the material to be taught. When permitted, students can use the internet to access the references they wish to use.

A.   E. Measurement and Evaluation System

        Assessment is very important in reviewing student development. Assessment will affect student development prospects. For this reason, the assessment system must be carried out very carefully. Teachers are responsible for the grades obtained by students. The assessment system at this school comes from mid-term exams, semester tests, quizzes, assignments and projects.

B.     F. General Curiculum

        The curriculum used is the K to 12 curriculum. The K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education. The program aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

 G. Lesson Plan

        The lesson plans used at LSHS – Junior High School consist of two parts, namely semi-detailed lesson plans and detailed lesson plans. The semi-detailed lesson plan used is adapted to the 4as format with the format as written below.

a.       Objective

b.      Subject matter

·         Topic

·         Learning resources

·         Learning materials

c.       Learning procedures

·         Review

·         Activity

·         Analysis

·         Abstraction

·         Application

·         Assignment 



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